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Os artigos científicos do projeto FitoFarmGest já estão publicados!

Publicação de 2 artigos em revistas internacionais com revisão interpares:

  • Tomaz, A., Palma P., Fialho, S., Lima, A., Alvarenga, P., Potes, M., Costa, M. J., Salgado, R. 2020. Risk Assessment of Irrigation-Related Soil Salinization and Sodification in Mediterranean Areas. Water. 12(12): 3569;

  • Tomaz, A., Palma, P., Fialho, S., Lima, A., Alvarenga, P., Potes M., Salgado, R. 2020. Spatial and temporal dynamics of irrigation water quality under drought conditions in a large reservoir in Southern Portugal. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 192: 93.


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